This area is for paying your outstanding invoice. If you have any problems submitting the payment, please contact
To pay an invoice, you will need your invoice number and file number as highlighted on the sample below.

Payment Details
Please click on the pay button to proceed to the secure credit card payment page.
*Submitting a payment to Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP (hereinafter “SHTB”) does not create a lawyer-client relationship between SHTB and the Payor (“you”). If you are not a client of SHTB, submitting a payment to SHTB does not provide you with any entitlement to information pertaining to the client’s file for which the payment is being made. Any payment that cannot be matched to an existing client will be rejected. If your payment is rejected, please contact the lawyer to whom your payment is due to arrange for an alternate form of payment